Tag Archive: Lusoga

School’s Out For Summer! / Future Days II

Yes, I even borrow from Alice Cooper. Pull up a chair, this is a long one. Two for the price of one.

IMAG1233The photo was taken today at a local hotel with a pool after our Language Proficiency Interview (LPI) Friday morning. To my friend Jay: You have a similar photo that inspired thisl My stomach doesn’t really look that way, I was trying to look skinny. Beer and swimming!

I needed to score Intermediate Low to avoid a requirement to hire a tutor in Bugiri for 14 hours (at Peace Corps expense) I have already decided to hire a tutor anyway, which also permitted. In the next three weeks I’ll forget half of this stuff anyway!

My LPI was a one-on-one dialogue with Ken and a recorder. I had to 1) exchange greetings; -it’s always important to exchange a few greetings or you are considered rude. (How was your night/day? Thanks for the work you do. How’s the family back home? What’s news? How is your health?) No one wants to hear anything except OK, thank you , not much etc. It’s a ritual. 2) Introduce myself, where I am from, what I did for work in America, why I am in Uganda, what work I will do, what does the Peace Corps do. 3) Talk about family, in my case, including my two children, wife, mother, four brothers and sisters- where do they live, what work do they do. I lied and said Mark was a cook because his real job was too hard to remember. I also added that Karen helps orphans in Kazo. 4) Answer questions: How old I am, what are foods I like/dislike in Uganda and America; What do I like about Uganda, and 5) Do a Role Play- what do I say in a restaurant, including bargaining, assuming they don’t have a menu. The interviewer asks harder and harder questions until he breaks me and thus establishes my level. I broke pretty early, but the bar is sort of low for Intermediate Low- Be able to greet and tell about your background.

Ken makes his own determinations and sends off the tape to a third party somewhere, who listens and draws his conclusions. Sometimes he consults yet another person if it’s borderline. Then they read Ken’s conclusion and see if there is a consensus. So I won’t know for sure until later but I am expecting to pass with Intermediate Low. Not bad for someone with only two years of Latin in 1968-69. Also not bad for three weeks plus one week to review. It was said we did the equivalent of a a semester and a half in college. I probably put excessive pressure on myself, because the brains of my younger mates are much more “spongier” and I hated being the worst student. Of course my classmates also passed, and two are in the running for Intermediate High. I called my fellow “fossils”, ages 66 and 56, in other parts of Uganda. They are less optimistic than I am. We fossils all had the same problem: we could understand it as presented, but had problems making it stick.

Here is the thing (Sorry Peace Corps if you reads this): I learned today that we will be tested two more times, in a year, and right before end of service (EOS). Apparently 90% fail their LPI’s at EOS. This because 90% of the time, all they do is exchange greetings. Ugandans, who learn English all through school, are excited to speak in English to Americans. Plus I will usually have an interpreter, such as my counterpart. When volunteers came through our training site and seemed so fluent, all they were doing were repeating numerous greetings. I didn’t know that then. So I guess I will see.

I will miss the fist bumps at the fence as they shout in unison "Charley, Charley"

I will miss the fist bumps at the fence as the kids shout in unison “Charley, Charley”

Before getting to my future schedule I wanted to interject a couple of comments about appreciation. First, I appreciate so much the efforts of Sharon, the 18 year old orphan who is a dependent in my family. She does so many chores, yet always was available to help me with my language training. She played the role of my interviewer all week as I endlessly repeated various statements I knew I needed to memorize. Sharon is smart as a whip and the exact type of person who deserves to be empowered. Unfortunately her schooling has stopped for now, two years short of finishing the equivalent of senior high, because they don’t have enough school and boarding fees. Innocent and Peace are starting to require fees, and Adrian is not far behind. The young ones go to Simon’s school across the street, but get no break. The Headmaster is Simon’s first wife and she wants the children of the second wife to pay. Hmmm. The victim of this family dynamic is Sharon. She wants to eventually study engineering but is stalemated at this time. I think of Cinderella. She is overqualified to be just washing clothes and cooking. I gave out gifts to my family tonight and gave Sharon the only paperback I brought, and wrote a dedication to her thanking her.

The second comment is the way Ugandans appreciate us. I am not shy about interacting, particularly when I am approached (“Who are you who walk by my stand every morning?”) Sometimes I’ll go up to a couple of men lounging around and tell them I am working on language. Just greeting them in Lasoga blows them away. (Then it’s often “Are you a missionary/preacher?”) Not all have heard of the Peace Corps, but I represent an country that they love and appreciate for what we have done for them (unlike the Chinese, who are also a presence in Uganda- maybe worthy of an another blog post). When they understand that an old greybeard actually wants to help them for two years, they thank me profusely. This is very fulfilling to me, and motivates me to represent my country well.

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Future Days II

Saturday there will be tents at our learning site for our Home Stay farewell party. Our Home Stay families and Iganga dignitaries will attend. We will throw out some Lasoga lines at them and each of us will make a little speech.

My Home Stay Family was terrific!

My Home Stay Family was terrific!

Sunday we go to Jinga for a day to present programs and act as counselors for a “GROW and BRO” camp (Girls Leading Our World/Boys Reaching Out) at a large local school that is the base for an Education volunteer, Vanessa. Nick and I will do a program about saving money. After the stress of the language test Friday, and the farewell party for our Home Stay families on Saturday we had hoped for a last day off before our busy weeks ahead, but it was not to be. I don’t think I have had a complete day off since I got to Uganda.

Our “Future Home Visit” begins on Monday, for four nights. Simon and Hellen insist on taking me- Bugiri is only about 1/2 hour east with no traffic. I have a lot of stuff to lug, so I appreciate it. The organization (ATEFOUG) will supply the bed frame but I will have to buy a new mattress the first day, since my home will be ready for me then. Many volunteers will stay at hotels because their homes are not yet ready.

Here is the website of the organization , African Trainers & Entrepreneurs Forum (ATEFO) I will work with. My Supervisor is Adams and my counterpart will be Matthews. Both plural first names. My PC supervisor Maitel met them recently and says they and their staff is very energetic. They were supposed to have a big staff meeting this week but it was postponed until next week so I can attend. Maitell thinks Adams has most of my time planned. Maitel also told me that my place will have electricity, but in Uganda sometimes it can go out, even for a week or more. But I am on the town’s grid. I will not have running water, but the tap is nearby. That’s the same situation as I have had at home stay. It just means I have to boil or filter the water first, and I have gotten used to bucket bathing. (With the so little rain lately, the tap in our courtyard went dry tonight. Simon went somewhere else for water.- Maybe an issue in Bugiri too?)  I won’t have any cooking stuff until I return for good on August 14. So I will be getting acquainted with the local restaurants. Adams probably will also take me to dinner.

During the next two years, my counterpart Matthews will be allowed to drive a Boda Boda with me on it. Carson’s counterpart is a progressive woman who will be permitted to drive him. I have yet to see a woman driving a Boda Boda in Uganda.

After I am at my future home for four nights, its off to Kibali, on the western side of Uganda, for a week of something called “Tech Immersion”. PC is very vague what this means. It’s whatever the volunteer in charge decides. I will be with three from my language class (all the guys, not Becky) plus two other guys and one of the Katies (There are four Katies in my PC class). All Ag volunteers. We will stay in relative comfort in a hotel or guest house. So I can leave my mosquito net and bathing bucket in Bugiri. After the tech immersion, all 46 of us will be reunited with our org supervisors for three days of “Supervisor Workshops” at some location between Entebbe and Kampala. Then we all get sworn in at the US Embassy on August 13 and disperse on the 14th to our new homes.

So, the adventure continues….

Rearviewmirror II

My latest round-up of the miscellaneous. My brother is on vacation so my less skilled photo posting is back this week.

Thanks for your kind words about my blog. I enjoy writing it.

We are in transition from rainy to dry season. It hasn’t rained more than a smidgeon in three days. The red clay roads get dusty from passing motokas (motor cars) and boda bodas (motorcycles). We were told not to wear contact lenses, and it’s easy to see why. It’s in the low 80’s and seems pretty hot to me, but it will get much hotter. An electric fan is on the top of my list of acquisitions when I move to my place in Bugiri.

My home stay father Simon’s school is across the road from my home. Last week I told the kids in the playground “I am Charley” (not “muzungu” -what Ugandans, especially children, call strangers, usually white strangers). Now when I go by, the kids in the playground run to the fence calling “Charley, Charley” and I am obliged to go to the fence and give each one a fist bump (bonga). Sometimes I cross paths with one of the kids walking outside the school yard and they’ll say “Charley”. Nick says it’s like I’m like a rock star! Sadly, in America, old men interacting with children on the playground are not considered rock stars.

Innocent sometimes ties dead leaves around a wadded up plastic bag to use as a soccer ball. The other day I brought out a yellow tennis ball I’d picked up at the market. Now about every other day I will bring it out to bounce back and forth with the three kids and Jordan, a neighbor, on the newly cemented courtyard. They don’t catch it well, so usually there is a mad scramble after a miss. The one who misses retains the privilege of throwing it back to me, or there will be crying. They all actually throw it pretty well. Sometimes I sit in the shade and let them play among themselves. Almost immediately it turns into soccer.

There are some real environmental issues here. They cut down lots of straight timber to help with construction, supporting new roofs or floors, but don’t re-use them, choosing instead to burn them for cooking. .Here is an example of the use of timber in a building in Jinga (source of the Nile), where we went Saturday.

Jinga construction

Jinga construction

Kids bring branches to school to contribute to the kitchen

Kids carrying sticks to school

Kids carrying sticks to school

I met Trevor, 18, one of Simon’s sons from his other wife. Trevor remembers when it was cooler. It’s not just from climate change, it’s from the deforestation to support the construction and cooking (which of course does contribute to climate change). He tells me there used to be thicker forests in our neighborhood as recently as ten years ago. Ken from the Peace Corps, who is handling language teaching this week, tells me that Iganga is every bit as hot a my soon to be new home in Bugiri, but in Bugiri they have cut down even more timber. Hard to find shade he says, but similar heat when you are walking down the road.

There is trash everywhere on the roads. It’s far worse than my daughter’s room back home :-). Actual trashcans are non-existent, even for my room.I use the flat lid from my bathing bucket and take my trash to a refuse pile about thirty yards away.

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Trash along the road

Trash along the road

Pickers come through and pick up what they can, especially the plastic water bottle. Eventually the rest is burned.

Refuse Pile

Refuse Pile

Could I get my new neighbors to use trash cans? Where would it go then? Probably another refuse pile, but at least the streets would be cleaner. They were burning refuse at our school today and the smoke was finding its way inside. I was breathing through a neckerchief.

There is a TV in the living room. Hellen, Sharon and Edith enjoy watch soap operas from Uganda, India, The Philippines and apparently Mexico, though I have yet to see a Mexican soap opera. When Simon is here, he watches a little BBC but mostly local Ugandan news and Al Jezeera. I had liked watching Al Jezeera’s coverage of the Arab Spring a couple of years ago. It’s pretty good, sort of like CNN used to be. Much coverage last week about the Greek financial crisis, From the U S we got coverage about the Confederate flag controversy. When he flips through the channels I see Fox News float by. Is it an international version? I guess I don’t care to see.

Uganda TV is in the middle of transition from analog to digital. Last week a court enjoined shutting off analog because not enough people had purchased the converter boxes. There are 3.2 million TVs in Uganda, 70% in Kampala and its surrounding communities. Simon has a pay TV arrangement, receiving his signal via a tall antenna pole, not a dish.

I’ve been using cursive when I take notes in language class. My fellow trainees tell me they were never taught cursive. I had no idea, I guess it makes sense in the world of the internet. I have had Ugandans help me with language who read my notes and do not know cursive either. They re-write my Lasoga words and they are often the same as my cursive.

When we went to Jinja on Saturday, a local volunteer took us to a Mexican restaurant. They had a well-stocked all-you-can eat Taco bar for 12,000 shillings (about $3.45 US). Our gluttony was disgusting. While the Ugandan food is so repetitive, so is Mexican food, and frankly the food in most of the world I suppose. We do agree the white rice here is the best we’ve had. They sort it on a plate before cooking to remove pebbles. I have developed the habit of smashing everything carefully with my tongue, as chipped teeth are an unfortunate hazard here.

Before I move out on Monday, my family wants to go downtown for a portrait of all of us to hang in their living room. They are already saying they will miss me. The feeling is mutual. They have been fantastic.

I will post more about my upcoming schedule soon….

Tunawayonga (We shall chat again).

Join Together

Although English is spoken throughout Uganda, learning the local language is important. First, many farmers have not attended school, so their English may be fairly limited. Second, knowing the language will help us integrate into our communities. Acceptance provides us more security. The concrete workers at my home stay site light up when I greet them in Lasoga.

There are seven different language groups scattered throughout Uganda, each learning a different language for their region. They range from three to nine volunteers per group. Our Lasoga five will be in the closest proximity to each other during the next two years.

Lagosa language learning cohorts

Lagosa language learning cohorts

At class today, my mates and I were remarking how such a difficult learning experience has been made easier due to the fact we have all gotten along. I thought I would introduce my language cohort.

Starting on the far left is Becky, 30, from Wisconsin. In high school, she was a Rotary exchange student in Equador. Since college, Becky has been a kayak guide and a kindergarten teacher. She is always upbeat, has a big laugh, and never gives the short answer, which we gently tease her about.
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Second from left is Nick, 24, from a suburb on the Kansas side of Kansas City. He is a recent graduate of Kansas State, majoring in Agriculture Economics and Ecology Research. He is a big fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, poor guy. We are united in figuring out how to stream the NFL games during the early morning hours. He sees his future in me, and it terrifies him.

Carson, 25, hails from the Mad River Valley of Vermont, the home base of Grace Potter, a rock singer I enjoy. Their families are well acquainted, and Grace’s dad has promised to ship Carson some frisbees to distribute in his village. Carson is a fellow alumni of the University of Denver, where he double-majored in Digital Media Studies and Geography. Like my own son Clark, he keeps me in line when I get too “excited”.

Will is 25, is a native of North Carolina, and a recent graduate of N.C. State, where he majored in Business Management (Finance). After the Peace Corps, he aspires to attend law school.

Will and Becky will remain in our current location of Iganga, while the remaining three will live in towns around it, less than a couple of hours away. Becky loves to cook, so the guys plan to make Iganga an occasional weekend destination. I am proud to call these people my friends in service.

Home Stay II


My room for home stay

First, an embarrassing correction. Innocent, age 5, is a boy, not a girl. Both genders wear their hair short, and I thought he had on a dress when we met. He didn’t. I thought he was plain as a girl, but he is handsome as a boy! I confessed my error to Simon and Hellen and they laughed. Innocent leaves at 7 a.m.to school, comes home for a brief dinner and then back to school until 9 p.m. I’ve hardly been able to get acquainted with him. He has his addition tables down cold.

Every morning I walk 2/3 of a mile up a dirt road with a fellow trainee, Becky (30) from Wisconsin. She is staying only a few houses away. She has her own little cottage, hot running water, toilet, and a bath tub. I have small room with a bed, a chair I use to hold all my “stuff”, a bucket to bathe, and a pit latrine.

The courtyard of my home stay when I arrived. Like all the parts of Uganda I've seen so far, red clay everywhere.

The courtyard of my home stay when I arrived. Like all the parts of Uganda I’ve seen so far, red clay everywhere.

We spend most of each day in intensive language training. By all estimates, we have covered 1/2 a college semester in four days. It is brutal on my brain. The other four Kids are doing much better than me. I understand concepts, but my memory of words and proper grammar rules is very weak. This afternoon the instructor, Mango Francis, played on his laptop in the back, while the others drilled each other but mostly worked on me. I am not used to being the class dummy. But Mango says my progress is fine. I called my fellow Fossils and they are also the laggards in their classes.

My host family is just starting to throw their language at me. Sharon is wonderful, teaching me to wash my clothes better tonight, and going over my verbs. She is very smart, but there is not enough money yet to send her to Senior 6, the last step before University.

View from my room during a rain shower

View from my room during a rain shower

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Every day I come home to see more progress in cementing in the courtyard. They started Sunday. The three men work really hard. It would be a swampy red clay mess after rains until now.

We are planning a 4th of July celebration with our host families at the Learning Center. We hope to get together the ingredients to make hamburgers, which my host family has never had. We will also eat Ugandan food. Matooke (Banana casserole) is served at every lunch and dinner. You can’t escape it. I asked Mango if it was big in other African countries, but he says it is unique to Uganda.


Workers covering the courtyard. Two of them worked barefoot. It took them all week. They were a jovial crew, saying their muscles were as good as American machines. At the end of the day they would bathe and leave on their bikes wearing pressed shirts and trousers. Looking “smart”. My permanent press shirts are not smart enough according to Hellen and Sharon.


The chickens liked to do their own cement work

Sunday, Simon and Hellen are driving me to his childhood village, where his mom still lives. It is 1 1/2 hours north. It is very primitive, with no electricity. I will likely be the first white person most of them have ever seen (Not even TV of course). He says they will be excited by my smart phone, especially looking at their pictures after I take them.

Stay tuned…..

Home Stay

Five agri-business trainees, including myself, arrived in Iganga Saturday. Two of the five will be stationed in Iganga, which is centered among the remaining three sites. We were taken to our learning center, where we will intensify our language study and learn more about Ugandan history and culture while staying with our host families for four weeks.


Hellen in her kitchen

Hellen and Simon

My host parents Hellen and Simon

A nun greeted us at the training center, which is owned by her order, and next door to a convent. Francis Mango, our language teacher, will stay in a little cottage on the grounds of the training center. We piled out of the van with about half of our luggage (the rest is stored at PC headquarters) supplemented by the Peace Corps with a new pillow and blanket, a wash bucket for bathing, and a solar charger. On the way we stopped for sheets for Nick and a pot for me to pee in during the night so I don’t have to leave my room.

Our host parents began to arrive to take us to their homes. Comedy ensued. The name I had been  given as my host father was “Simon Peter”.  I walked to the first arrivals and asked his name- “Peter”. I asked if he was Simon Peter, and I thought he said yes. I introduced myself and met his wife. They were the only ones there for awhile, so we just stood outside chatting while the other four trainees awaited their parents. Long story short, we eventually figured out I had the wrong parents. Three of the five fathers were named Peter. My real host parents were last to arrive, and he prefers to be called Simon. My host mom is Hellen.


This is Peace

Innocent and Adrian

Innocent and Adrian

Simon (50) and Hellen (30) are both teachers, but Simon has more on the ball than that. His home property is U-shaped around a red clay dirt courtyard.  He rents other rooms that surround the courtyard to other teachers.
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Simon owns a local school, different than the one he teaches at.  It adjoins his first house, where the school was started, and is across the road from the second house, where I am living. I toured the school briefly with Simon on Sunday during classes. There are 450 students in nursery through 7th grade including many boarders. The boarders who stay for the weekend take classes on Sunday morning. The school is administered by Ann, who lives in Simon’s first house, and is also Simon’s first wife. (Yes, Simon has two wives!- more on that later)  Hellen also has teaching certifications but works part time for now. She has been sick with a recent bout of malaria.

Sharon and Edith

Sharon and Edith

Simon and Hellen have three children. Innocent is 5, Peace is 4, and the only boy, Adrian, is 3. They have no toys and amused themselves Sunday morning with the water from the spigot, dirt, rocks, and loose bricks.

Simon and Hellen also care for two “dependents” Sharon 18, and Edith 17, who do many household chores. Sharon has finished Primary (elementary) school, Edith has never attended school.

At first these kids knelt before me when they greeted me, but as we get comfortable the kneeling has stopped..

I am getting the same foods as training, but it’s way better tasting. My plates are often too full, but I am getting them to adjust it.

The language classes this week have been difficult. I understand the concepts, but I do not memorize as well as the the younger trainees.

The Site Is Right

For the site selection announcements today they made it like the “Price is Right”, calling it the “The Site is Right”  i.e. “Charley! Come on Down!” Cheesy as it seems. Then after a few corny jokes (I can’t even remember what they said about me) we were each told our location.

I will be working with rice farmers, and youth for the African Trainer and Entrepreneurs Forum. I will be living in Bugiri District, which is east of Kampala near the Northern Shores of the Lake Victoria, not too far from the border with Kenya.

It’s swampy, hence the rice farming. It will be hot and I’ll have to protect myself from Mosquitoes. There is a nearby volunteer I’ve heard about, working on a new product you can spray on the walls that prevent the malaria mosquitoes from landing. If they can’t land on walls, they won’t stay.

Quoting pertinent parts from the from the job description:

African Trainer and Entrepreneurs Forum was founded in 2009 to engage women and youths in modern agricultural practice. Our goal is to strengthen and support capacity of smallholder family farms and business communities in agribusiness and investment for economic transformation and food security.
 –  Promote rural financial inclusion through the Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) methodology
-  Mobilize people and support them in creating income generating activities including soap-making, charcoal briquettes, candle making, mushroom growing
 –  Supporting rice farmers in growing lowland rice

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 – Conduct regular field visits to beneficiaries to provide hands on technical assistance,mentoring and coaching
 – Mobilize participating farmer groups and clusters to participate in collecting marketing and bulk purchasing of agro-inputs
 – Enhancing building capacity of farmers in business management and skills through training in farming as a business
 – Promoting farmer access to agri-finance through training and VSLA methodology

My supervisor is “an entrepreneur and mentor to Ugandan youths through the Uganda Youth Entrepreneur League. In his free time he likes to spend time with his friends, many of whom are part of the Rotary Club.” Uganda is the second most entrepreneurial country in the world (percentage of independent businesses). Getting acquainted with the local Rotary Club will help my integration into the community.

Here are more photos from today. Sorry about the quality. I think they look good on my camera and on Google Drive but they get fuzzy when I transfer them to WordPress. Even the map above (not from my camera) transferred fuzzy. Still learning.

To the right I am posing with Lucine, the Uganda Country Director. She is from Armenia, where she met her husband, a Peace Corps volunteer. She became a U.S. citizen and has worked in several countries. She told me Peace Corps has a five year rule, and she will be leaving us next year.

IMAG0927On the left, David (56) my roommate during training, myself (60), and Ron (66). They claim Wisconsin as their home state, but neither have lived there for a long time. In one of our evaluation groups we called ourselves the “Fossils”. They will be posted in the west, across the country from me.IMAG0937

Peace Corps brought in some dancers and drummers after our site selection ceremony.

DancingOn the left, I’m dancing with a native dancer. (Photo from another camera). We were all kind of pushed out there.

In a few weeks I’ll be living with my Home Stay community with four other volunteers somewhere in the Eastern section, One of them, Nick, is from Kansas City and will be posted in nearby Jinga, at the headwaters of the Nile. He loves the Kansas City Chiefs, poor guy. Carson, a Denver University grad hailing from Vermont, will also be nearby. We will be learning the Lusoga language. It’s nearly identical to Lugando, the dominant language. First however, are two weeks of intensive Ag training.