Tag Archive: training

Future Days

Everyone who has served in the Peace Corps says : ”It will be unlike whatever you imagine it will be.” They also say, “You have to be flexible and adaptive.” Here is what I think I know:

After a short orientation in Philadelphia, we leave June 2 for Uganda. My class of volunteers will stay in a community together for Pre-Service Training until August. Then we are sworn in at the U.S Embassy and dispersed to our assigned communities.

Pre-service Training is intensive, covering culture, language, safety, and technical details of our jobs. English is spoken throughout Uganda, but I will be taught one of the local languages, depending on the location of my assignment. My own family used to host foreign exchange students arriving in August who were fairly proficient by Christmas. Comparatively, with only two years of high school Latin, my learning synapses might be frayed these days. However, the Peace Corps is pretty confident I can be at low-intermediate proficiency by the end of training.


Lose thirty pounds! Ask me how!

When I accepted my invitation in December I figured Peace Corps service would help get me in shape. I have had a sedentary lifestyle most of my adult life. We are not allowed to drive cars or boda-bodas. I will walk or ride a bike out to small farms, or use public transportation for longer trips. Meanwhile, I thought medical clearance would be a snap. I have rarely been sick my entire life. Perfect attendance all through school, only the occasional cold.

However I did have to admit I took medications for blood pressure and cholesterol. For my January physical, after Holiday binging, my blood sugar was too high. The Peace Corps is extremely thorough, and after requesting tests requiring 8 vials of blood, these marginal results were not unnoticed by my Peace Corps nurse. She informed me under my current condition, I may not clear medically. Having no Plan B, I was finally motivated to be more proactive. At my doctor’s urging, I went to a couple of nutrition classes at Kaiser.

Would you believe the key to my better health is eating better and exercising more? Here is what worked for me:
