Daily Archive: July 10, 2015

I’ve Got the Medicine That Everybody Wants

IMAG0988 Until this week, I had no medical issues. I have been pretty fortunate compared to many of my cohorts. Then I woke up Monday with problems on both ends. Pretty sure it was food poisoning.  A couple of  items in my Peace Corps Medical Kit came in handy. I didn’t want to miss language class, and was there by noon, felt fine since.

Medicine List

Medicine inventory

About that medical kit…
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A picture of the kit on my side of the dorm room during training shows the relative size of it. Also pictured is the inventory of my jammed-packed medical kit. I thought you might find it interesting. I would like to have this inventory back in the States.

Not on the list, are pills to start taking if you think you have malaria, after consultation with the medical officer. In such an event you would be headed to the medical offices in Kampala. During training we learned how to do a quick malaria test with a prick of blood. I was not infected 🙂