Daily Archive: May 16, 2016

Introduction and Giveaway Ceremony


There was a comedic M.C on each side providing commentary and moving things along. Our M.C. is in the foreground, the groom’s side M.C. sits behind the basin.

A Ugandan tradition is the Introduction and Giveaway Ceremony.  The groom and his family and friends are introduced to the Bride’s family and friends, culminating in the bride being given away to the groom.  It seems as big as the wedding itself. For his daughter’s ceremony, Matthews said I needed to be there by 10 a.m.  to socialize a bit beforehand, before it was to start at 1 p.m.  As usual in “Uganda time” the groom’s people didn’t even show up until 4 p.m. Matthews’ father sat next to me, translated, and tried to explain the ceremony.  I had to leave at 5:30 p.m. before the bride even came out and was still was not able to get home until well after dark at 9:30 p.m.


Four dancing “nurses” approach the groom’s people as they arrive.They said they had checked everyone’s health and they were fine, except one man, the groom, who suffered the “sickness of love”. The groom’s people had to wait, and entered through the orange arch in the pouring rain. Serves them right for being so late. Rain stopped after they were seated!


An “aunty” came out carrying wood, and said she had forgotten the Introduction was that day and had to get things organized.


before the festivities began, the preparation of three big vats of matoke, made from green plantains. Matoke is a staple of any social gathering with food in Uganda.

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Various groups came dancing out to meet the groom’s family.


These two girls came out, and in response to something an M.C. asked, said something I didn’t understand except the word “Muzungu” (white person). Everyone turned and looked at me and laughed. As near as I can understand, in response to whether they were enjoying themselves, one of them said yes because even a Muzungu was present.


A selfie with Matthews’ father, who is 80 y.o. Besides his own seven children, he had to raise the children of two brothers who had died. He complained that he suffered to pay all their school fees, and now none of them will ever visit. I was praising Matthews skill as a gardener, so he requested I bring Matthews to his home at Jinja where he has land, so Matthews can give him advice.


“Meanwhile, back at the ranch”, Azedy hired these two men to plow behind his compound. So much of the level of development is like the Old West of America. Instead of horses and carriages though, it’s boda bodas and taxis.


Some of my new neighbor kids. This is the view across the street from my compound.

Educate Club at National Finals


The Bukooli College display. Ironically a selling point for the blue liquid soap is the an added ingredient to kill bed bugs.

IMAG3280The Educate Club of Bukooli College was one of 16 Educate Clubs to participate in the finals of a national competition in Kampala, They displayed goods they make, and answered questions from judges. I went to observe their preparations on Thursday. At that point I did not think I would be allowed to go . After I arrived on Saturday, I learned the team was housed in a dorm of a local secondary school. Unfortunately the boys room was plagued by bed bugs and they didn’t get much sleep. They were not looking forward to returning to the dorm that night.

One of the three founders of Educate Clubs was in attendance and gave a speech. She said she was raised in a tough inner city environment by her single mother in New York City. Another speaker said students should not expect to get a job when when they finish school, so they need to learn these entrepreneurial skills. The club acquitted itself well, in my opinion. Their table overflowed with goods. Unfortunately it was not named among the top three.


Here, members are making necklaces. Beans are soaked in dye overnight and then threaded together, dried, and shellacked in some manner.


Chalkboards, such as shown below, are made from recycled paper.

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Ronald, who I brought to Youth Technical Training, shows a product to the competition. Ron is an impressive young man with charisma. In the foreground, are scented solids to rub on your skin to stop mosquitoes. Everything is made from items they get for free or next to nothing.


The club has to show its skills at record keeping for its sales.


A view of the campus at Bukooli College. There are three three story classroom buildings in addition to other buildings.


In contrast, this is a three room school house in a deep village which is part of a primary school near Kamuli founded by Matthews’ brother, where I spoke to parents and students. See the three blackboards? The benches had been removed for the parents to sit on. The little brick building in the back is the school’s administrative office.  I am planning to give some presentations and be more involved with secondary students in a similar rustic village near Bugiri.