Daily Archive: June 30, 2016

Ambassador Malac Visits Bugiri


Ambassador Malac Addresses the gathering at ATEFO. John (seated) and Adams from ATEFO

On Tuesday June 28, Ambassador Deborah Malac made a quick one hour stop in Bugiri town and visited my org, African Trainers and Entrepreneurs Forum (ATEFO). There were about 20 office and field staff from ATEFO, and also some local dignitaries. Then a few of us walked to my home. I will let the photos (most of them purchased a local photographer) tell the story.


Watching a power point briefing about ATEFO in Adams’ office, with Mark Meassick, USAid Mission Director, my Peace Corps supervisor Meital, and Margaret, Resident District Commissioner.


i am explaining about how to make a sack garden. We have received approval for a Peace Corps grant to allow Matthews and I to teach sack gardens to the farmer groups and youth groups. The grant will pay for the seedlings, while the community donates the remaining materials.


Every visit from a dignitary gets a tree planting. She said she is used to this. This is an umbrella tree. near my permagarden. I am concerned a goat will get to it unless we can protect it. Matthews says it will be taller than me before I return to the USA next year.


This is a ceremonial cake cutting. As you can see, I grew out my beard, it came in brown, whereas the goatee is (annoyingly) all grey. I think the two tone looks like Lassie, or old time ball player with mutton chops, so I might go back to just the goatee. Opinions?

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Here we are taking the five minute walk to my home. Note the cowboy boots worn by Ambassador Malac. Before she arrived, I walked the route with the local police, and then two more times with Embassy advance security personnel. Neighbors must have wondered what was going on. Meital came early with her driver, and the Ambassador had six vehicles in her entourage. I generally wear my backpack most of the time, and a Rockies or Avalanche cap.


In my well swept and organized abode (I still haven’t got that mouse though). It was hot that day, I look sweaty. Ambassador Malac said she isn’t used to seeing a PCV in a jacket and tie. But Adams and the rest of the org hierarchy were in three piece suits, so I had step it up. Unfortunately, they don’t fit well, made for a heavier man. 🙂


Local police who provided some security gave me permission to take their picture (this time).


Gratuitous selfie


Andrew McCown with USAID staff. He served with with my niece as a PCV in Bolivia. Small world. Invited me to dinner with his wife and 8 month old the next time I am in Kampala.