Getting in Tune

We are settled into the training compound. After the long trip without much sleep. Peace Corps took it easy on us for about half a day and now they are starting to cram our brain with so many new things. I am impressed with everything about it. Peace Corps has had a long time to develop their methods. The staff made Welcome posters for each of us.

The compound is no resort but it’s nice. It’s reminds me of the YMCA of the Rockies Camp in Estes Park. Showers have mostly been cold and I have a mosquito net on my bed. The food has been OK but is often similar meal to meal. There are too many carbs like rice, pita bread (yum) and potatoes. Lots of banana dishes. I am not giving in to the carbs, but I wish there were more veggies, and salads haven’t been available. Kale was good today. The kids of the staff peek out here and there and they are so cute. I’ll try not to keep repeating how cute the kids are, and you will get plenty of kid photos during my service. These are some random shots of the compound.

IMAG0874In a brief trip to town, we saw women in customary long skirts riding side-saddle on the back of motorcycles. Or three little kids lined up behind a parent on a cycle.IMAG0876
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IMAG0871I met with the Agriculture staff today, and interviewed a volunteer about to go home from an assignment location I am considering. We have been given Nokia phones which are used primarily to talk to staff and volunteers in an internal network. We are supposed to get new SIM cards for our smart phones too. We set up our banking and will get debit cards . Our $200 per month stipends are direct deposited and it should be enough to get by each month. The weather has been great so far, very mild, often breezy. No complaints.